Friday, March 19, 2004


Since fotolog is down, and since I couldn't wait, I posted a few Emergent pictures on My Pix Page. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 18, 2004


I am so bummed. I got onto Fotolog today to post some pictures from EC04 and found out Fotolog is doing work on the server. So, I guess no pictures until maybe Sunday or Monday... oh well.


Once again, I recommend Journey to the Cross. It is a daily devotional designed for the season of Lent. Today's devotional about real success--using what God has given me for God's purposes: people--hit home.

On another Lent/Holy Week note, Torrance First Baptist (2118 Carson St, Torrance CA) will be doing a Tenebrae on April 9 at 7 pm--or whenever dark happens. If you're in the area and would like to prepare for Resurrection Day by remembering the death of Jesus, please join us.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

emerging ecclesiology: Customized theology

Anna Aven has been blogging about Emergent and has good comments on emerging ecclesiology: Customized theology.

Monday, March 15, 2004


Back from Emergent. My head--my soul--is overloaded. This morning, the routine of the daily commute kicked a bit of normalcy, but I wonder, which is real, the community interaction of the conference or the individualistic bubble of daily life? Both. Hopefully I'll be able to do some processing tonight. Some key theological issues that I'll need to look into are:

ecclesiology, especially the nature of church and her relationship to the kingdom of God

anthropology, especially imago dei

One phrase from the theological discussion/session with Doug P on Saturday morning really hit home: we--meaning local faith communities--need to be willing to do the hard work of handcrafted theology.

This gives committee work a whole new spin.